Beth O’Brien Founder
  • Certified Thanatologist
  • Death and Grief Educator, Bereavement Counsellor
  • Marriage & Funeral Celebrant National Trainer


After 25 years studying, researching and working with people who were experiencing loss and grief I discovered a strong connection to work with people in this area.

Four years ago, I became a Certified Thanatologist – “Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement”. This is an international accreditation with The Association for Death Education and Counseling.

In my work as a marriage and funeral celebrant it has been my privilege to work with people on the most important and memorable days of their lives. I own an Australian registered training organisation called Australian Celebrations Training

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Discovery and Sharing . A Path to Healing

Widows of Parramatta

What a wonderful insight into the lives, mourning and bereavement of these beautiful women who are neighbours and friends.

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Glitter Coffins Adding a Sparkle

I was interested to read about Glitter Coffins from the UK.  As a funeral celebrant over the years,  many people have asked about adding some bling.  Wonder if they will come to Australia. Photos from

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What to say to a grieving person

This is probably one of the most common things people ask me, “what do I say?”   Kelly from her blog has made a quick list. Handy tips about what to say instead of a cliche. This works well for many situations not just bereavement. Posted by Chasing Dragonflies blog on Tuesday, 19 December 2017  

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I always imagined that there were no set stages to how a person travels through their individual experience of grief. But one thing that remained common as an experience was that as a person you have changed, and you can’t ever go back to the previous version of yourself, after loss and grief. I then began to see that through people’s loss, their also became some gain.

People seemed to have the ability to become more than they were, because of their pain and wisdom. A renewed version of themselves. Sometimes something unexpected is born. From this locus, I began thinking that grief moves and changes like seasons. I saw summer as growth, autumn as change, winter as loss, spring as renewal. The images of trees have always appealed to me.

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